We are a dynamically developing company with more than 20 years of experience in the supply of spare parts for rail vehicles.We are gradually expanding our range according to the requirements of our customers. Rolling stock in our region is constantly being modernized, or end customers are renewing their fleet with new types of rolling stock, for which we supply spare parts for their maintenance and repair.
Many years of experiences of the company managers guarantee quality of cooperation and professional process with supply and consulting the spare parts for railway vehicles. We have experiences with railway vehicles repairing. Our company is mainly oriented to spare parts for railway coaches and electric locomotives.
From 2006 we also extended our range of goods for delivery of light sources type HELIOS which we are exclusive representative. At the 1.8.2006 by registration at Regional court Ceske Budejovice the company BRAMA-CZ, s. r. o. came into existence at Suchdol nad Luznici. The personnel of the company operate already from 1994 at spare parts deliveries for railway vehicles. At the seat BRAMA-CZ, s. r. o. main distribution storehouse of spare parts manufactured in Germany and Czech Republic is established. Both companies cover deliveries of these spare parts at own markets. BRAMA-CZ, s. r. o. in Czech Republic and BRAMA-SK, s. r. o. in Slovakia, Poland and Hungary. Both companies coordinate gradually the expansion of their activities also to Russia, Baltic countries, Ukraine and all the Balkans.
Other activities
- trade intermediation
- entrepreneurship consulting
Our company is the holder of certificate Quality management system according the standard EN ISO 9001 – 2008
We represent the next companies:
FANINA Przemysl www.fanina.pl
Ludvík Petřek – Dolní Loučka
DINTER AF Marketing & Engineering
Fabryka Żarowek „HELIOS“SP.z.o.o.
STROJTEX-GBHP, s.r.o. – Č. Třebová
Various German companies that supplied spare parts to Wagonnbau Bautzen and Wagonnbau Gőrlitz in formerly GDR.
Our main trade partners:
Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko, a.s.
ŽOS Trading, s.r.o. Vrútky
ŽOS Trnava,a.s.
Železničné opravovne a strojárne, a.s. Zvolen
Železničná spoločnosť Cargo Slovakia, a.s.
ŽSR, a.s. Bratislava
A-Z Lokomat, s.r.o. Zvolen
PESA, s.a. Bydgoszcz
Czech Republic
České dráhy, a.s.
CZ LOKO, a.s. Česká Třebová
Pars Nova, a.s.
DPOV, a.s. Přerov
B-METAL, Kft. Eger
Hungarail Kft. Budapest